Supporting Memberships

In addition to considering a paid subscription to our flagship publication, the Western Wayne News newspaper, you may be looking for other ways to support our community media organization and projects.

Well, you’re in luck! A supporting membership contribution is an important way to demonstrate your commitment to making sure people in Wayne County, Indiana and beyond are informed and inspired by our work.

Here are some of the projects we’re working on that your membership will help make happen:

  • Provide competitive pay and benefits for our current journalists, and hire some new ones, to provide quality, timely, in-depth coverage of the news and events happening in our area.
  • Launching new ways of getting important information out to different parts of our community, partnering with other community organizations doing the same, and generally making news and information more accessible to more people of all backgrounds and life situations.
  • Increasing collaboration with schools, educators and classrooms to enable better media literacy and civic engagement among the young people in Wayne County.
  • Building and sharing tools and techniques that other community media organizations can benefit from in their own work.

Whether it’s a one time donation or a monthly or yearly recurring contribution, any amount you can give will make a difference. Give online now:

Donate Button

Or, you can mail a check to Civic Spark Media LLC, PO Box 9, Richmond, IN 47375-0009. Contributions are not tax-deductible. Questions? Please let us know at info (at)